Now Enrolling Grades 9 & 10
Now Enrolling Grades 9 & 10
Now Enrolling Grades 9 & 10
College Counseling
College counseling at Kehilla High School supports both students and parents alike during this exciting journey of exploration and discovery. Throughout the college admissions process, our chief goal is ensuring that each student finds their best academic, personal, and financial fit.
Graduates of Jewish high schools like KHS are successful college applicants because they are confident engaging in intellectual discussion, possess a strong sense of community, and have well-developed critical thinking skills. Our teachers are able to write deep and rich college recommendations because they know each student not only as a learner, but also as a person.
Together with our faculty and staff, KHS students work with a professional college counselor to guide them through the application process. We collaborate with students and family to identify appropriate college choices, help each student to put their best foot forward in their applications, and finally listen and counsel each one as they decide where to attend.